Prophet VS for UDO SUPER6


128 classic waves from my vintage Prophet VS. They’re 4096 samples long 16bit so they’re perfect for the UDO SUPER6. Looking at the files the originals were 8 bit, possibly why they sound so crunchy?

Check out how I made them here

Please note these aren’t ‘samples’ they are single cycle samples so will only work in wavetable synths. Every synth has different file formats. These have been recorded at 4096 samples long - if you need to convert for your own specific instrument I’m afraid I don’t have the time to help, but watch the demo for all the info I could give.

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The download is a zip file (I can only upload single files to the site). Some browsers aren’t too happy downloading zips if your safety features on on full. You may get a security warning but these files are perfectly safe - its not like I’m an anonymous dodgy website! If you have difficulties check your browsers security setting. I’ve only had a couple of people asking for help, but thought it was worth mentioning.